A great deal of business relies on moving items from one place to another—and box trucks provides a reliable way to transport a number of goods. Whether you're helping people change homes or moving products from a distribution center to a retail store, you're helping to meet a steady demand for transporting items in bulk.
However, the sheer variety of goods that can be transported also means there's no one box truck insurance policy that's suitable for every company. A vehicle transporting bread loaves doesn't need as much insurance as a vehicle transporting expensive furniture, and neither is as risky as a box truck transporting crates of electronic parts. This is why insurance is available in different amounts—and why couriers should know their options.
Consider two major aspects of box truck insurance policies:
When you call for a rate quote, let us know the size and model of your truck or trucks, how often you're on the road, and what goods you usually transport. This will help us find the most affordable policy for you while still covering all of your needs. Call Jennings Insurance Agency today for more information and a free quote.